Monday, May 04, 2015


We arrived in Asheville late last night in the small hours.  Naturally instead of going right to bed, we spent a few hours chatting and catching up.  Today is our day to acclimate to our surroundings, catch up on errands we did not get to before we left Pennsylvania, and plan the rest of the week.  The day began leisurely with a trip to the local post office and a trip to Filo.  I indulged in a sticky sweet bun studded with walnuts and a much needed iced coffee.

While we certainly have a lot of projects that we want to attend to while we are here, it is an odd sensation.  Usually William and I are so wrapped up with building the business, our various projects, or trying to plan for the future, that we rarely have an opportunity to sit together and enjoy a quiet moment and a coffee.  It was a nice way to start our trip.

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